I Love Online Course It Gives me all the ability I have Right Now Physically!!!
Thanks for the support My Online Friends Tau Gamma Sigma ANd for the Back up Tau GAmma Phi and for the Moral support coming from All Fraternity and Sorority Who Cared For me Even if They Know still That I'M Not aware But should I say I know po!!! Of Course You Teach me well Enough to know and handle the truth, thanks for my Loving Father To Considering the things that they say it's all for me!!!! To My Mom Even if you are innocent to all this i still Love and care for you No matter what happened Coz, your always there for me Thank you!!! LoVe you My Sister Ronalyn And Family Love You My Sister Joy And Family and my Loving Husband and Children And Neighbors and friends Amen......
My Greatest mottoTo Love and cherish my country to serve
First of all Do Not Harm
Dedicated: Joseph Sy (Thanks for Recruiting Me In our Organization)
By: Sis. Charrs